I have been teaching AP Biology pretty much the same way since I was told to teach the course (in 2014). Yes, I've made adjustments over time, but as a whole, my curriculum has stayed pretty stagnant.
I'm trying to overhaul my units as I approach them, so my first unit getting a major upgrade is my "Unit 0: Skillz" unit. I'm creating a more focused approach, based on the Six Science Practices put out by the College Board (listed in the CED- pages 21 & 22).
It's slow work, but I know it will be worth it in the end. Right now, I'm up to SP 5- statistics. Up to this point, I was able to cover one SP per document, but there is SO MUCH to SP 5 that it will be spread over several separate documents.
As I write this post, I have 8 out of 11 items complete that cover SPs 1-5. The last SP, about argumentation, will hopefully be done in 1-2 sheets as well!
Here is what I have complete at the moment. Many of the documents are free!
AP Biology Science Practices series:
0.0 Science Practices & More (AP Bio Intro to Class) Free resource!
1.0 Models (SPs 1 & 2) Free resource!
1.1 Scientific Methods (SP 3). Key available here.
1.2 Graphing (SP 4) Free resource!
1.3 Practice Worksheet for Science Practices 1-4. Key is included with resource.
2.0 Some Math and Basic Stats (SP 5) Free resource! Key available here.
2.1 Standard Deviation (SP 5). Key is included with resource.
2.2 Practice Worksheet for math, basic stats, and SD (SP 5) - coming soon!
2.3 Standard Error (SP 5) - coming soon!
2.4 Trichomes FRQ - print & assign FRQ 1 as homework (SP 5). Scoring guidelines from the College Board
2.5 Chi Square (SP 5) - coming soon!